Dr. Pierre Mariotte
Dr. Pierre Mariotte
Toward sustainable agrosystems and preserved ecosystems
Toward sustainable agrosystems and preserved ecosystems

Changing the world, One step at a time
Changing the world, One step at a time
I am a passionate ecologist broadly interested in plant-soil interactions and feedback. Since more than 15 years, my research aim at understanding the role of aboveground and belowground linkages on ecosystem functioning and services in various systems (grasslands, croplands, forests, wetlands), specifically in relation to climate and land-use changes.
I am currently working at Agroscope as scientific collaborator and deputy head of the Grazing Systems group. My work at Agroscope is focused on finding best management practices to improve forage yield and quality and mediate drought impacts in permanent grasslands.
The ultimate goal of my research is to find innovative solutions to sustainably produce food, reduce detrimental human impacts on the planet and preserve the diversity of life.
I am also a Senior Editor of Journal of Ecology, former Associate Editor of Ecology and Evolution and former member of the Equality and Diversity Working Group of the British Ecological Society. Part of my time is dedicated to teach, mentor and help the next generation of scientists to ensure the continuity of Science.